No-cost Ultrasounds
An ultrasound is a critical diagnostic tool that allows providers to view your body’s internal structures, diagnose certain health conditions, and more. This scan uses sound waves emitted from a transducer (a wand-like device) and creates an image on a screen.
You should receive an obstetric ultrasound if you have a positive pregnancy test. The ultrasound will confirm vital pregnancy details and help you with the decision-making process.
Abdominal ultrasounds are non-invasive. The medical professional will apply gel to your abdomen and move the transducer over this area. A transvaginal, however, is invasive. During this type of ultrasound, the transducer is gently inserted into your vagina to obtain the most precise image.
Why Do I Need An Ultrasound?
An ultrasound protects your health and safety. Certain medical conditions may go undiagnosed without it, and you won’t have the information you need to make a fully informed decision.
When you have an obstetric ultrasound, it will verify the following:
- Viability: Is your pregnancy progressing normally, and does it have a detectable heartbeat? As many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, which means your pregnancy has ended. You may need miscarriage management treatment or monitoring to safeguard your health and prevent complications.
- Gestational age: How far along are you? Your gestational age (the number of weeks you’ve been pregnant) can determine your eligibility for certain abortion procedures. For example, medical abortion is only FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation.
- Location: Knowing your pregnancy’s location is crucial. A pregnancy should develop in the uterus, but some women experience ectopic pregnancies. This life-threatening condition occurs when the fertilized egg implants in a location other than the uterus, such as a fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is non-viable, and you must receive emergency medical treatment.
We Can Help
Receiving an ultrasound ensures you have critical details about your health and pregnancy. Sanctity of Life Center provides first-trimester abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds to confirm pregnancy details. You must have received a positive pregnancy test result at our center to qualify for this service.
Our nurses have completed sonography competency classes and are ready to assist you. We can also provide referrals for second-trimester ultrasounds.
Contact us today to schedule a pregnancy testing appointment.