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Abortion is one option for your unplanned pregnancy, but it’s crucial to get the facts before making this decision. As it’s a medical procedure, abortion will come with side effects and risks.

Sanctity of Life Center provides no-cost, confidential counseling services so you can learn about your options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. We do not perform or refer for abortions, but you’ll receive factual information on abortion procedures. You deserve to make a confident decision.

Medical Abortion

Understanding the differences between abortion procedures is crucial. Medical abortion uses drugs to terminate an early pregnancy, and it is FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation.

During a medical abortion (also called the “abortion pill”), mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone. Misoprostol, the second drug, causes uterine contractions that expel the pregnancy and associated tissues from the body.

If you take medical abortion drugs, you’ll always experience abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding. The severity of these side effects varies for every woman.

You could also have other side effects, including:

  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills

Risks from medical abortion are rare, but as they could still happen, you should know about them:

  • Infection
  • Fever
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • Incomplete abortion (which requires a surgical procedure)
  • An ongoing pregnancy (if the drugs don’t work)

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion procedures are performed later in pregnancy. The provider uses drugs, surgical instruments, and/or suctioning to remove the pregnancy.

The side effects of surgical abortion are also abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding. However, the risks, while rare, can be severe and result in long-term complications. They include:

  • Infection
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall
  • Uterine perforation (a hole is poked in the uterus)

What to Do Before Deciding

Before any pregnancy decision, you should receive an ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy and provide critical details. Sanctity of Life Center offers limited first-trimester ultrasounds following a positive pregnancy test at our center.

If you’re considering abortion, you should also speak with a medical provider. They can review your eligibility for abortion procedures and offer a physical exam. Your health is paramount when making a pregnancy decision.

Contact Sanctity of Life Center today to make an appointment.

Safe and Supportive Care